Among the projects that express our identity, Green Translations is the one that best represents our commitment to generating a positive environmental impact.

We believe that any company can integrate sustainability into its business model. This is true even for the most complex and “unexpected” industries such as ours, which is a dematerialized service and therefore, by its very nature one with low environmental impact.

Precisely from our desire to support the fight against the climate crisis came the idea of a translation service that takes care of the environment, while at the same time raising awareness and involving customers and suppliers in rethinking their business as a lever to drive sustainability and the ecological transition.

Green Translations is an invitation for participatory planning that we offer to our entire supply chain, to activate and respond in solidarity to the collapse of the planet from a regenerative perspective, one driven by decarbonization and zero climate emissions.

With our translations, we not only seek to unite the world, but we also  respect it, reforest it and help it recover from harmful emissions, helping contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of Agenda 2030.

This is the goal of the project, to offer translations with positive social-environmental impact, our joint contribution to saving the planet.

A 100% green supply chain

Our translation service is 100% green because we don’t simply measure and offset our CO2 emissions, we actually take preventive action upstream of the process, reducing emissions at the source as much as possible.

How do we do it? First, we have improved environmental sustainability within the corporate perimeter, involving employees in energy efficiency practices, sustainable mobility and circular economy.

After that, we extended our green mission to the entire value chain, that is, to our community of translators and interpreters, and to our suppliers and providers, inviting them to embrace our sustainability policies.

Finally, we also involved our customers in the common benefit project, with Christmas as the occasion, donating the trees to our forest planted with Treedom in their name.

A translation service that’s good for the planet

Our translation service is called Green Translations because it is linked to an authentic contribution to environmental conservation. We are a small company, but we have achieved amazing results because of our ability to anticipate the transition to a more sustainable world.

In 2018, we began collaborating with Treedom, a B Corp like us, which has enabled us to plant trees from a distance and follow their growth remotely online. In this way, we have created positive impact not only on the environment, but also on the communities and local economies of the territories, especially in Africa and South America, where the trees have been entrusted to farmers of indigenous populations.

In 2019, we strengthened our climate commitment by joining two important initiatives: One is NetZero2030, by which, together with 500 other European B Corps we made a commitment to decarbonizing our business by 2030, 20 years ahead of the Paris Accords. The other is Race2Zero, the United Nations campaign involving all non-governmental entities who are eager to work together for a more sustainable world.

In 2020, we reached a historic milestone: on April 22, on World Earth Day, we declared the carbon neutrality of our service, anticipating the European target of 2050 by 30 years.

In 2021, we consolidated our environmental strategy by signing a partnership with ReteClima, which helped us make an inventory analysis of our climate footprint in accordance with the GHG Protocol and define our baseline, the starting point of our path to zero emissions.

Since then, we have not only continued to reduce and offset our emissions, confirming that we are carbon-neutral, but we’ve also invested in sustainable projects and certified carbon credits to go further and become a Carbon Positive company that offsets more CO2 than it produces.

In 2022, we wanted to make our climate commitment even stronger by including it in our Charter, following the invitation of CO2alition Italia, an association of which we are among the first members.

Finally, in 2023 we added another element by joining the international initiative Science-Based Targets, which commits us to annually reporting in full transparency to all stakeholders on our progress toward NetZero in regard to predetermined interim targets.

That is why today those who choose our translation service are actively contributing to environmental sustainability and to the building of a better world for all.

Green Translations – One Word, One Leaf” is just that: a small gesture for a more sustainable future.


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