Financial translation is our core business. For 30 years, we have been supporting about 40% of the companies listed on the Italian Stock Exchange with translation of financial documents.

Certified quality, timeliness and confidentiality are among the reasons why major industry players choose us as a strategic partner.

With our financial translations, we support professionals in all economic and financial fields:

  • Capital markets and asset management
  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Real estate
  • Auditing and consultancy

Thanks to our network of specialized linguists and to expertise gained from three decades of experience, we can translate any type of document.

The main types of documents we translate include:

  • Financial statements and reports
  • Prospectuses
  • KIIDs (Key Investor Information Documents)
  • Comments from financial analysts
  • Transfer pricing
  • Contracts
  • Due diligence and memoranda
  • Feasibility studies and business plans;
  • Regulations, directives, policies
  • Corporate presentations
  • Press releases
  • Content for financial marketing
  • Texts for websites and portals

An in-depth understanding of the sector underpins the quality of our translations. Many of our linguists have previously worked as analysts and traders and they keep up to date with changes to legislation and trends within the sector.

We deploy specialists in each work cycle: linguists, translators, proofreaders and financial professionals, who ensure a very high level of quality in the final product delivered to the customer.

Translations of all kinds of financial statements and reports

Over 200 translated reports per year demonstrate that our core business is the translation of every kind of report:

  • consolidated
  • statutory
  • annual
  • quarterly
  • half-yearly
  • integrated
  • sustainability
  • social

Our financial translators not only have native knowledge of the working languages, but also specialized skills in the field. This knowledge base includes continuous updates on standards governing reporting and disclosure, such as the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), as well as Sustainability Reporting Standards and Frameworks such as:

  • European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) under the CSRD Directive
  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
  • Accounting for Sustainability (A4S)
  • German Sustainability Code
  • International Integrated Reporting Council’s (IIRC) Framework

Whatever standard is applicable and whatever language combination is required, Way2Global has the best resources to translate all kinds of financial statements with guaranteed quality and timeliness.

Financial translations: We’ll handle it! Looking for high-quality, fast, sustainable translations? Contact us to request a quote: It’s free.
Contact us

Beyond financial translations: related services

In addition to financial translations, we provide a wide range of services that complement and complete our portfolio of professional solutions.

Services related to the financial sector include:

  • Sworn and certified translation – to give authority and legal value to translated documents
  • Interpreting – for live language support at industry conferences, meetings, presentations, etc.
  • Localization – for cultural adaptation of software content and websites, ensuring effective global communication

We also offer additional services such as transcription and multimedia services such as dubbing and subtitling, which are essential to making audiovisual content accessible in different languages. Our proofreading and revision processes, which are key to ensuring the high quality of our financial translations, complete the package.

Why choose our financial translations?

Our financial translations meet customers’ needs with an established work cycle based on: Certified quality, terminological accuracy, timeliness, flexibility, confidentiality and a radical commitment to sustainability.

Here is why we are the right choice:

  • Certified quality. We set up specialized teams for each project, managed by experienced project managers. Our process is validated by three quality certifications: ISO EN 9001, IS O 171000 and ISO 18587, guaranteeing a thorough and rigorous service.
  • Terminological accuracy. We follow the official terminology of institutional bodies such as the ECB, the Bank of Italy, the Italian Stock Exchange and the ABI, in addition to using and continuously updating terminology databases and glossaries specifically tailored to each customer.
  • Timeliness & flexibility. Conscious of the strategic importance of quick document preparation in the financial sector, we ensure flexibility and compliance with deadlines, always adapting to our customers’ needs.
  • Data and documents are treated with the utmost confidentiality at Way2Global. Everyone works with us under binding non-disclosure agreements and strict policies governing corporate data access and security.
  • Choosing Way2Global financial translations means consolidating the value chain and generating a positive impact that benefits the community and the environment. As a Società Benefit and certified B Corp, we promote projects that benefit all stakeholders, such as Green Translations.

Join our more than 1,000 satisfied customers. Contact us for a quote.

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