15 June 2022

The birth of CO2alizione Italy

Categoria: News

Over 60 Italian enterprises have joined and

modified their bylaws for climate neutrality

Dozens of Italian companies have stepped up their commitment to climate neutrality, which is considered a corporate purpose on a par with profit, protected in bylaws to create the necessary conditions for tackling the climate crisis and spearheading European goals.

Rome, 15 June 2022 – CO2alizione Italy has been launched and joined by over 60 Italian companies, to step up the commitment to climate neutrality with the adoption of an innovative governance practice, leveraging bylaws as a tool for formalizing the commitment.

Member companies have committed to progressively evolving their business and operating model toward a zero climate-altering gas emissions economy, adding this target to their bylaws so that it becomes a primary corporate purpose – alongside the generation of profit — protected over time — even in the event of capital increases, management changes, generational changeover or stock exchange listing.

CO2alizione Italy aims to spread this practice so that it is adopted by as many companies as possible, in order to help spearhead the climate neutrality target set by the European Union for 2050, to fight global warming and achieve Paris Climate Agreement targets.

With the recent addition of environmental protection to its constitution, Italy has formalized its commitment to achieving this vital target, stepping up as a leader to stimulate other Member States and the rest of the world to contribute. In addition to the direction and guidelines of institutions, the recognition of climate neutrality in bylaws reflects the formal will of the private sector to achieve the target of climate protection, in line with European climate neutrality targets and national ecological transition ones too.

Paolo Di Cesare, co-founder of NATIVA, one of the founders of CO2alizione affirms that “In the absence of laws and bold regulatory plans, the use of innovative tools is crucial, ones that can unleash the creative energy of individuals and bring to life unprecedented cooperative processes. This is why an enabling condition is necessary, to ensure that corporate action for the achievement of climate neutrality purposes becomes permanent and institutionalized as an integral part of corporate governance, on a par with profit. The time for general promises is over. Now is the time for elevating the commitment so that it becomes an intrinsic corporate purpose.”

As highlighted by the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and other major greenhouse gases are causing climate change with potentially irreversible consequences for the planet and our species. Human activity is the main cause of these upheavals and experts report an urgent need for all social parties to act in synergy, a crucial element for limiting the effects of climate change. Over the next few decades this will require a radical overhaul of our habits and a shift from current production and consumption models toward a model that eliminates our contribution to the climate crisis, the implementation of which will require companies to assume responsibility and a commitment to annual and transparent reporting of actions and policies for climate protection.

Innovation with the purpose of eliminating one’s own contribution toward the climate crisis is an imperative for all businesses and all aspects of human activity. All 60 companies have pledged to innovate their governance and we trust their commitment will inspire the spread of this practice on a national, continental and global scaleEric Ezechieli, co-founder of NATIVA, comments.


Way2Global is one of the companies that have joined Co2alizione Italy, with a pledge to add carbon neutrality to its bylaws.

Adopted since becoming a Benefit Company, climate positive in 2021 thanks to a series of Green Translation Initiatives, today Way2Global has officialized its commitment, inviting all Italian companies to join this collective enterprise in order to support the country’s ecological transition.

Members of CO2alizione Italy: Aboca, Acetificio de Nigris, ADR Center, Antica Erboristeria, Arkage, Beste, CEF Publishing, Chiesi Group, Damiano, Danone Italia, Davines, E’Ambiente, E80, Emsibeth, Enetec, Engine, Erbolario, Erbolario Franchising, Eurotherm, Evogy, Fedabo, Feudi San Gregorio, Fileni, Florim, Garc Ambiente, Garc, Gelit, Grassi, Green Future Project, Gruppo Hera, Gustibus Alimentari, Herbatint, Intexo, Irritec, Jonix, Kerakoll, Lazzerini, Lenet Group, Lundbeck Italia, Mine Studio, Mutti, NATIVA, Nespresso Italiana, NWG Energia, NWG Italia, Onde Alte, Palm, Panino Giusto, Pattern, Perlage Winery, Fratelli Piacenza, POLIMI Graduate School of Management, Redo, Renovit, Reti, Sales, Save The Duck, Siav, Slowear, SNAM, The ID Factory, ViCook, Way2Global.

How to join CO2alizione Italy
In order to join Co2alizione Italy the bylaws must be changed no later than 12 months after signing the commitment, with the addition of climate neutrality as one of its corporate targets. Each company must then report on concrete actions and targets undertaken with the purpose of fulfilling their declared commitment. To join: www.co2alizione.eco


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    Laura Gori is the Founder and CEO of Way2Global, a women-led translation agency startup with a Benefit ethos. After 30 years at the helm of a small multinational localization company, Laura decided to make a fresh start and founded Way2Global to conduct business in a way that benefits society and the environment, while promoting corporate growth. A fervent advocate of Benefit Corporations and women’s empowerment, Laura takes every opportunity to spread awareness on these issues and contribute to a fairer, more egalitarian and sustainable economy for all.
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